The rewards program offer to you the perfect opportunity to earn money by sharing your protected links with your friends and familly. There are no restrictions for any country and anyone can use our free service.
The program is open to anyone with an account so register a free account and you'll get paid dailly with no traffic shaving, and no hidden rules.
When others view your files,
your account will start generating money automaticaly.
Minimum payout amount - $50
Downloads or Streams are counted only 1 within one ip address
There are no rewards for automated downloads
Payout requests are processed within 24 hours. Large amounts of abuse notices against
your files may result in suspension
Attempts to gain revenue with misleading or other unethical methods will result in immediate suspension.
Affiliates must agree to abide our Terms and Conditions and the Copyright Policy. Failure to do may result in a temporary or permanent suspension of your account.